Name: Kamal Kamal Metwelly

Date of birth: 16.12.1966

Place of birth: Kafr El-Sheikh Egypt

Marital state: Married and have male (Mohammed, 10 years old)

 And 2 females (Maha, 6 years old and Menna, 2 years old)


Professional job: Professor of Theriogenology from


Work address: Theriogenology department, Fac. of Vet. Med.,

                        Alexandria University, Edfina Behera, Egypt.




Scientific state:

- B.V.Sc., Fac. Vet. Med. Alex. Univ., 1990 (very good with honor). 

-         M.V.Sc., Alex. Univ. 1994 (Comparative studies on Ovine and Caprine semen).

-         PHD Alex. Univ. 1997 (Seasonal variations in testosterone and cortisol hormones in relation to sexual behavior and semen picture in the bull).


Occupational state:

-         Demonstrator in Theriogenology Department 20.10.1990

-         Assistant lecturer in Theriogenology Department 3.4.1994

-         Lecturer of Theriogenology Department 29.7.1997     

-         Assistant professor of Theriogenology 31.8.2002
