Mai Saeid Taha



Job Description:

I am the Executive Secretary of Pathways to Higher Education.



               1999 – 2003 - Cairo university

·        B. SC, Faculty of commerce, accounting department.
·        Graduated with grade” Good”.


Summary of Qualification:

·        Fluent in English written and spoken.
·        Ability to work as an effective and active team member or individually.
·        Leadership Skills.
·        Business Writing [memo, Letters, reports].
·        Good communication skills.
·        Good Presentation skills.
·        Good at meeting deadlines.


Computer Skills:

·        Windows desktop operating systems (Microsoft Windows 98/2000/XP).
·        Internet application.
·        Word Processing (Microsoft word 2000/ XP).
·        Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel 2000/ XP).
·        Database (Microsoft Access 2000/ XP).
·        Presentation (Microsoft Power Point 2000/ XP).
·        Planning and Organizing (Microsoft Outlook).
·        Web Pages Design (Microsoft Front Page).
·        Project Management (Microsoft Project).


Work Experience:

February 2004          Working as Training Specialist in "Pathways to Higher Education" Conducted by Center of Advancement and Post-Graduate Studies Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University (CAPSCU).

July 2004                    Working as Executive Secretary to "Pathways to Higher Education" and Manager Assistant.


Organizing Conferences:

October 2005          Progress of New VISION of Engineering Economy Teaching Project Seminar in Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. It was on 19&20/10/2005 with attendance of Professors from Italy, England, Greece and Spain.


Courses & Training:

August 2001               Training as a clerk in the accounting department in BANK MISR “KASR EL AHRAM BRANCH”.

August 2002               Training as a clerk in the accounting department in BANK MISR “KASR EL AHRAM BRANCH”.

August 2003               BBSA (Basic Business Skills Acquisition Program) sponsored by FGF (Future Generation Foundation). Course included:

§         210 hours of Business English and Business Writing.
§         180 hours of Computer Training.
§         Employment Qualifier Program (EQP).
§         Business correspondence and report writing.
§         Business oriented lectures (Marketing, Sales, Finance and Accounting).

December 2003          ERS (Enhanced of Research Skills) Conducted by Pathways to Higher Education, Center of Advancement and Post-Graduate Studies Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University (CAPSCU).

                                    Course included:

§         Systems and Creative Thinking.
§         Planning and Controlling.
§         Statistical Data Analysis.
§         Analytical Thinking.
§         Research Methods.
§         Argumentation.
§         Problem Solving and Decision Making.
§         Stress Management.
§         Communication Skills.
§         Negotiation Skills.
§         Risk Assessment and Risk Management.
§         Teams and Work Groups.
§         Wellness Guide Lines (Healthful Life).
§         Internet Searching.
§         Integration of Pathways Training.
§         Graduation Research Project.


May 2004          TOT (Training of Trainers) Conducted by Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP)

April 2006         An Introduction to E-Learning Program Conducted by Pathways to Higher Education, the trainers are from Senghor University and Arab Academy for science and technology and maritime transport, with total training hours of 50.


Personal information:

Date of birth:  5/9/1982
Nationality:     Egyptian
Marital status: Single