TEI(Technological Educational Institute ) of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece: TEI of Piraeus has been established in 1983. The TEI  covers the technological component of the higher education in Greece and today they are equivalent to the universities, however with a strong practice and laboratory component. The TEI of Piraeus consists of two Faculties, "Technological Applications, and Business Administration and Finance." TEI of Piraeus has eleven Departments and almost 12.000 students. The Mechanical Engineering Department runs a four-year undergraduate course.
Associate Professor J. Kaldellis is the Head of the Soft Energy Applications and Environmental Protection Laboratory of the Department. He has extensive research and consulting activity in the areas of the design, operation and evaluation of energy and environmental systems. (see also www.sealab.gr).
Assistant Professor Emilia Kondili has the responsibility for a number of courses in the area of Industrial Engineering in the Department, such as Engineering Economics and Project Management, Production Management, Industrial Management and Operations Research in the Department. She has also extended industrial and consulting experience in the areas of Energy, Environment and Industrial Engineering. 

Consortium Member

Member Type * Contact Person of Consortium Member 
Title * Mrs.  
Professional Title Dr. 
First name * Emilia 
Surname * Kondili 
Function at Institution * Assistant Professor 
Name of Institution * Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus (TEI) 
Type of Institiution * University (U)  
Faculty Faculty of Technological Applications 
Department Department of Mechanical Engineering TEI of Piraeus 
Country * Greece 
Postal Code * 12244 
Town * Athens 
Address * 250 P. Ralli and Thivon Str. 12244, Greece 
E-mail * ekondili@teipir.gr 

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