جامعة مصر للعلوم والتكنولوجيا

كلية الهندسة



Prof. Mostafa M. Kamel





الأستاذ الدكتور مصطفى محمد كامل أحمد،  أستاذ بكلية الهندسة بجامعة مصر للعلوم والتكنولوجيا ونائب رئيس الجامعة للشئون الأكاديمية والتعاون الدولي وضمان الجودة والاعتماد بالجامعة ورئيس مركز ضمان الجودة والاعتماد وعميد كلية الهندسة بالجامعة سابقا  وأستاذ غيرمتفرغ بكلية الهندسة بجامعة القاهرة. حصل على درجات البكالوريوس والماجستير والدكتوراة من جامعة كاليفورنيا – بركللي- بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في الهندسة الميكانيكية وهندسة الطيران.


خلال فترة عمله بجامعة القاهرة قام بالتدريس بالجامعة الأمريكية بالقاهرة وعدة جامعات أخرى كما عمل رئيسا لقسم هندسة القوى الميكانيكية بكلية الهندسة بجامعة القاهرة. أنشأ وأدار وحدة تنسيق العلاقات الخارجية بأمانة المجلس الأعلى للجامعات وعمل مديرا تنفيذيا لمشروعي ترابط الجامعات المصرية الأمريكية ومشروع تمويل الجامعات المصرية بالأجهزة والمعدات (CIP/UDAID).


قام بإنشاء المعهد التكنولوجي العالي بمدينه العاشر من رمضان وفرعيه بمدينتي السادس من أكتوبر ومرسى مطروح وعمل عميدا للمعهد لمدة ثمان سنوات. بعد ذلك عمل مديرا لبرنامج التنمية التكنولوجية بمركز المعلومات ودعم القرار التابع لرئاسة مجلس الوزراء ثم مديرا لبرنامج تطوير التعليم التكنولوجي بوزارة الاتصالات والمعلومات ثم كبيرا للمديرين بمشروع شراكة لرفع تنافسية مصر. وقام كذلك بعمل عدد كبير من الدورات التدريبية والاستشارات العلمية لجهات مصرية وأجنبية في مجالات خاصة بالتعليم العالي و قبل الجامعي وتطويره والتعلم الإلكتروني ومشكلة عام 2000 والتنمية التكنولوجية وكذلك في مجالات الاحتراق والحماية من الإانفجارات. عمل كذلك أمينا عاما (مقررا) لمجلس أمناء الكلية التكنولوجية بالمطرية  والمشرف على لجنة التسيير بها. وقد تم إنتخابه عام 2007 عضوا بمجلس أمناء مؤسسة سعاد كفافي للتنمية الإجتماعية المتكاملة.


نشر أكثر من 200 بحثا وتقريرا في مجال تخصصه العلمي والموضوعات الأخرى الخاصة بالتعليم والتنمية. كما نشر عالميا خمسة كتب في موضوعات تخصصه العلمي. كذلك قام بالإشراف على ما يزيد عن 20 رسالة ماجستير ودكتوراه. وإنتخب كذلك مقررا للجنة العلمية الدائمة لوظائف الأساتذة المساعدين للآلات الحرارية والهيدروليكية والسيارات و هندسة الطيران بالجامعات المصرية في دورتها التاسعة.


وهو حائز على جائزة الدولة التشجيعية في العلوم الهندسية ووسام العلوم والفنون من الطبقة الأولى.


وقام بإجتياز دورات المراجع الخارجي للتعليم العالي بهيئة ضمان جودة التعليم والاعتماد والدورة الأساسية لإعداد المدربين بمركز رفع مهارات هيئة التدريس بالمجلس الأعلى للجامعات.        







December 2008



                             NAME: Mostafa M. Kamel


Home: 27 Hussain Khedr St., Nozha, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.

Office: Misr University for Science and Technology (MUST)      Sixth of October City, Egypt.




Mobile: (+20 10) 600 0080

             (+20 10) 888 8093

Office:   (+20 2) 3835 4693

          Fax:      (+20 2) 3835 4699

e.mail:    mkamel@must.edu.eg                






            Date of Birth: October 26, 1941

            Place of Birth: Cairo, Egypt

            Family Status: Married 




Ph.D.: University of California, Berkeley, Ca, USA,

                        Aeronautical Sciences, 1971.

M.Sc.: University of California, Berkeley, Ca, USA,

                        Aeronautical Sciences, 1967.

B.Sc.  : University of California, Berkeley, Ca, USA,

                        Mechanical Engineering, 1966.




·     Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Misr University for Science and Technology and Advisor to the Dean (2009).

·     Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Quality Assurance, Misr University for Science and Technology (MUST) (2006- 2009).

·     Chairman of MUST Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center (Trained as Higher Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation External Assessor).

·     Member of MUST Faculty of Engineering Council.

·     Professor Emeritus, Department of Mechanical Power Engineering (2002-present), Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.

·     Member of the board of Trustees of the Soad Kafafy Foundation for Integrated Social Development (2007).

·     Senior Advisor to Futures Educational Systems, a company dedicated to empowering education through technology. The company establishes, restructures and manages schools according to its Edu-Tech Smart School Standards that are modeled after the NETS standards for students, administrators, curricula, teachers, and technology that includes training of school administrators and teachers(2004-2007).

·     Consults for Educational Options Inc., a leading US company in K-12 on-line education (2004-2007).

·     Consults for Laureate Education, a leading US company in owning and managing traditional and on-line universities (44 universities in the US, South and Latin America, Europe and Asia) (2005-2007). 

·     Chairman of the Permanent Committee of the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities for Promotion to Associate Professorship in Egyptian Universities in the fields of Heat Engines, Hydraulics, Vehicles and Aeronautical Engineering (2004-2008).

·     General Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Mataria Technical College (a community college-type institution) and Chair of its Executive Committee (2005 – 2008). 

·     Professor, Department of Mechanical Power Engineering (1983-2002), Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.

·     Senior Advisor- Workforce Competitiveness, Partners for a Competitive Egypt, PfCE (2003-2004).

·     Senior Director- IT-in-Education, Partners for a Competitive Egypt, PfCE/IBM (2002-2003).

·      Director, Technology Education Development Program, National Information Technology Development Program, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (2000-2002).

·      Team Leader (Technical Education), UNDP Project EGY/00/018-Strengthening Capacity of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (2001-2002).

·     Director, Smart Schools Network Project, MCIT (2001-2002).

·     Director, Nile Technology University Project, MCIT, (2000-2002).

·      Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Power Engineering, (1996-1999), Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

·       Head of the Technology and International Cooperation Sector (2000), the Egyptian Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC).

·      Director of the Technology Development Program (1996-2000), the Egyptian Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC).

·      Head of the Access to Information Panel, the Ministry of Planning Participatory Urban development Project, GTZ (2000-2002).

·      ZOPP Moderator (1999- 2007).

·       Founding Director (1996), Future Research and Studies Center, Cairo University.

·      Founding President and Dean (1988-1996), Higher Technological Institute, Tenth of Ramadan City, Egypt

·      Founding Executive Director of the Foreign Relations Coordination Unit (FRCU) and University Linkages Project (1979-1985), The Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities.

·      Associate Professor (1977-1982), Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

·      Fulbright Scholar and Associate Research Engineer (1975-1977), University of California, Berkeley, Ca., USA.

·      Assistant Professor (1972-1977), Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

·      Part-time Assistant (Associate) Professor (1972-1983), American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt

·      Assistant Research Engineer (1970-1971), University of California, Berkeley, Ca, USA.

·      Research Assistant (1966-1971), University of California, Berkeley, Ca., USA.




·      Decoration of Sciences and Arts of the First Order (Awarded by President Anwar El Sadat) (1980).

·       State Award in Engineering Sciences (1979).

·       Minta Martin American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Award (1967).

·       Outstanding AIAA Student Lecture Award (1968).

·      Outstanding AIAA Student Branch Chairman Award (1968).





Education/Research: (See Supplementary Document on TEVT activities)

·      Local Advisor (Egypt), Bridging the Information Gap in the Arabic Speaking World, A Regional Translation and Publication Project Assessment, Academy for Educational Development (AED), (2006).

·      Member of the Board of Directors of Delta Academy of Science (2004- 2005).

·      Member of the National Sub-committee for the Future Development of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education (1999-2000).

·      Member of the joint Ministry of Education-USAID Working Group for Reforming Pre-University Education (1999).

·      Founded President and Dean of the Higher Technological Institute in Tenth of Ramadan City and founded its affiliates in Sixth of October City, Marsa Matrouh and Doha (Qatar). This is the first private such institute in Egypt and is the only one fully accredited, both in Engineering and Technology Management Departments, in Egypt (1988-1996).

·      Founded and directed the Foreign Relations Coordination Unit, FRCU, at the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities that included: 1. A developmental problem solving research management unit that developed and directed the Egyptian-American University Linkages Project that included over 300 projects in different fields of development with the participation of over 1700 researchers from all Egyptian universities, research centers and industry in collaboration with about 80 US universities in 33 States. The funding was $27.5 millions funded by a USAID project and 2. A university equipment procurement unit, with a budget of $42.5 millions funded by a USAID CIP project and 3. a computer center that has developed into the Egyptian Universities Computer Network which provides Internet service to all Egyptian educational institutes of higher learning.(1979-1985).

·      Founding Editor of The Scientific Engineering Bulletin, the publishing organ of the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University (1978-1982).

·      Founding Chairman of the Egyptian Combustion Society, Branch of the International Combustion Institute (1987-2002).

·      Member of the Steering Committee of the Desert Development Center, the American University in Cairo (1978-1985).

·      Member of the Energy Research Committee at the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities (1981-1992).

·      Member of the Energy, Medical and Human Resources Research Committee at the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities (1992-present).

·      Member of the Prime Minister’s National Energy Conservation Committee (1984-1985).

·      Member of the Permanent Committee for the International Mechanical Power Engineering Conference (1978-1995).

·      Member of the Permanent Committee for Evaluating Associate Professors of Mechanical Power Engineering in Egyptian Universities (1985-1989).

·      Member of the Permanent Committee for the Evaluation of Full Professors of Mechanical Power Engineering in Egyptian Universities (1990-1995).

·      Member of the Permanent Committee for the Evaluation of Full and Associate Professors of Mechanical Power Engineering and Aeronautical in Egyptian Universities (1997-2003).

·      Member of the Electricity and Energy Research Board of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (1986-1995).

·      Member of the Industry Research Board of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (1985-1995).

·      Member of the Executive Board of the Energy Research Center, Cairo University (1990-1992).

·      Member of the Supreme Council of Technological Institutes of the Ministry of Higher Education (1989-1995).

·      Member of the Supreme Council of Private Higher Institutes of the Ministry of Higher Education (1989-1995).

·      Member of the Committee for the Evaluation of Industrial Institutes of the Ministry of Education (1994-1996).

·      Member of the Joint Committee on Education in the New Urban Communities between the Ministry of New Communities and the Ministry of Education (1991).

·      Member of the Steering Committee for Management of New Urban Communities (1991).

·      Member of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the Mubarak-Kohl Dual System Technical Training Initiative in Tenth of Ramadan City and Chairman of the Executive Board for implementing the first MKI school (1994-1996).

·      Planned and directed a USAID funded program in association with Harvard University on the use of computers in education planning (1987).

·      Conducted a “Preliminary Study on El Sewedy Technical School And Vocational Training Center” which was to be the first privately funded technical school in Egypt. It was planned to be a Tenth of Ramadan City branch of the Italian Don Bosco School in Cairo (1998).

·      Established the Printing Engineering curricula for the Akhbar El Youm Print Technology Academy (1999).

·      Conducted a study to establish “The Obour Technological Academy”, which was to be a private education organization to include a Higher Technological Institute or a Technological University (Dual-System), a Vocational School ( after the Mubarak-Kohl Initiative), a KG1-K12 Language School, a Training and Consultation Center and an Innovation and Small Industry Development Center ( including a Science Park with an Incubator).



·      Member of the National Technical Committee for Year 2000 Compliance Program, The Central Organization for Public Mobilization and Statistics, COPMAS (1998-2001); Chairman of the Embedded Systems Committee and responsible for the follow-up of the Y2K effort of 8 ministries and government agencies (1998-2000). 

·      Coordinator of the Egyptian Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center Year 2000 Compliance Program (1998- 2000).

·      Member of the Principal Technology Development Committee of the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (1999- present).


Technology Development/Information Technology:

·      Developed the Information and Communications Technology Strategy for the Republic of Yemen sponsored by the International Telecommunication Union, ITU (2002).

·      Developed the Arab Strategy for Arab Communications and Information Technology Society, The Arab League (2001).

·      Member of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Executive Board (2000- 2002)

·      Member of the Communication and Technology Committee of the National Democratic Party (2000- 2003).

·      Member of the Research Board on Space Sciences and Technologies of the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (1999- present).

·      Senior Consultant to the Technology Development Program and the Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center (1996).



·      Conducted a 5-day workshop on “Project analysis, Planning and Monitoring” for Oracle-Egypt, 2003.

·      Conducted 12 three-week training courses in different aspects of production management in collaboration with Carl-Duiseberg Gesellschaft (1991-1995).

·      Conducted 17 training courses for the USAID Local Administration Development Project in a number of Egyptian governorates (1991-1992).

·      Advisor in Human Resources Development and Institutionalization for the USAID Local Administration Development Project conducted by Chemonics Int. (1991).

·      Planned and conducted a training program on the uses of Lotus 123 computer program under a Wilbert Smith USAID project (1990).

·      Founded the Dar El Moslem Association computer center (1986).



Project Evaluation:

·      Appraiser/Consultant for the Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Technische  Zusammenarbeit for the Project Appraisal Mission of the Egyptian-German Project For Improvement Of Citrus Production In Egypt (2001).

·      Appraiser/Consultant for the Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Technische  Zusammenarbeit for the Project Planning Mission: Central Instructors Training Institute (CITI), Concept and Feasibility Mission (2000).

·      Appraiser/Consultant for the Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Technische  Zusammenarbeit for the Preliminary Appraisal Mission: Central Instructors Training Institute (CITI), Participants Analysis and a Proposed National Model (1998).

·      Appraiser/Consultant for the Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Technische  Zusammenarbeit for evaluating the Dual System Project in the Egyptian Electricity Authority in Abu Sultan (1997).

·      Appraiser/Consultant for the Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Technische  Zusammenarbeit for the planning of the Dual System Nursing Vocational Training Project of the Mubarak-Kohl Initiative (1997).

·      Appraiser/Consultant for the Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Technische  Zusammenarbeit for the evaluation of the Mubarak-Kohl Dual system Vocational Training Project (1996).

·      Appraiser/Consultant for the Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Technische  Zusammenarbeit to study the legal and financial aspects of the Regional Units for the Dual System Vocational Training of the Mubarak-Kohl Initiative (1996).

·      Evaluated the USAID funded Technical Training Development Project at the Ministry of Industry(1988).




            Moderated/Facilitated over 50 workshops and seminars on the following topics:

-          Technical Education and Vocational Training as well as the Mubarak-Kohl Initiative, GTZ.

-          Participatory Urban Planning and Informal Settlements Development, GTZ.

-          GIS Spatial Metadata and Documentation, GTZ.

-          Emergency Prevention System for Trans Boundary Animals and Plant Pests and Diseases (EMPRES), Desert Locust Control, FAO and GTZ.

-          Irrigation Water User Federation, World Bank and Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation.

-          Merger of Pest Management and Agronomy Extension Activities (in Context with the implementation of the Farmer Learning Group Approach), GTZ.

-          Cotton Sector Development Program, GTZ.

-          National Environmental Protectorates, EU.

-          Support to Population Programs, EU.


Social and Environmental: 

·      Chartered member of the Egyptian Foundation for Technology Education Development (2003).

·      Chartered member of the Board of Directors of the Association for the Development of New Urban Communities (1988-1997); board Vice-Chairman (1993-1996).

·      Member of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian European Association for Economic and Social Development (1994-present).

·      Member of the Tenth of Ramadan City branch of the Industrial Federation (1990-1996).

·      Member of the Tenth of Ramadan Investors Association (1990-1996).

·      Chartered member of the Tenth of Ramadan City branch of the International Rotary Association (1990-1996); Branch President (1991-1993).

·      Member of the Board of Directors of the Rotary Grants Association (1991-1993).

·      Member of the Board of Directors of the Islamic Action Association for the Development of the local Community of Heliopolis (1981-1984) and (1991-1993).

·      Member of the PTA of the German School in Cairo, Bab el-louk (1983-1986).

·      Member of the PTA of the Manara School in Tenth of Ramadan City (1991-1993).

·      Chartered Member of the Board of Directors of the Rowwad Sports and Social Club in Tenth of Ramadan City (1994-1999).

·      Chairman of the Culture and Hobbies Committees of the Rowwad Club in Tenth of Ramadan City (1995).

·      Founder and Chairman of the board of directors of the Children Club and Library in Tenth of Ramadan City (1994-1996).

·      Member of the Education and Scientific Research Committee of the National Party (1994-1996).

·      Member of the Industry and Energy Committee of the National Party, Sharqueya Governorate (1994-1996).

·      Member of the Board of Trustees of Tenth of Ramadan City (1995-1996).








·      Gas-dynamics of Combustion and Explosions.

·      Laser cinematography of high speed transient events (explosions).

·      Applied research management in universities.

·      The use of ICT in Education and e-Learning.

·      Demand-driven Education and Higher Education.

·      The Role of Government and the Private Sector in Technology Development.

·      The Year 2000 Problem.





·      Laser Cinematography of Explosions, Springer Verlag (1971).

·      Mass and Heat Transfer in Mechanical Power Components, Pergamon Press (1978).

·      Present Status of Blast Wave Theory and Computations, part 1, European Research Office (1981).

·      Present Status of Blast Wave Theory and Computations, part 2, European Research Office (1984).

·      Proceedings of the Second Mediterranean Combustion Symposium (2002), ed. 


Papers and Reports:


·      Published more than 165 reports and papers in the field of Gas-dynamics of Combustion and Explosions, especially as related to the hazards of transportation and storage of LPG/LNG in inland waterways, with emphasis on the Suez Canal and its approaches, in addition to about 40 reports and papers on applied research management in pre-university and university education and over 45 reports and papers on the management of technical and technological education and the use of ICT in Education. The latter include several feasibility studies for the establishment of private universities and higher technological institutes both in Egypt and in Gulf countries. In addition, over 20 papers and numerous newspaper articles and media interviews on Technology Development and the Year 2000 problem.