Table 5.1: The creative individual and organization

The Creative Individual

The Creative Organization

Conceptual fluency… is able to produce a large number of ideas quickly.







 Originality… generates unusual ideas




 Separates source from content in evaluating information… is motivated by interest in problem… follows wherever it leads





Suspends judgment… avoids early commitment… spends more time in analysis, exploration.



 Less authoritarian… has relativistic view of life




 Accepts own impulses… playful, undisciplined exploration



Independence of judgment, less conformity Deviant, sees self as different


 Rich, “bizarre” fantasy life and superior reality orientation; controls.

Has idea men

Open channels of communication

Adhoe devices:

Suggestion systems


Idea units absolved of other responsibilities

Encourages contact with outside sources

Heterogeneous personnel policy

Includes marginal, unusual types

Assigns non-specialists to problems

Allows eccentricity

Has an objective, fact-founded approach

Ideas evaluated on their merits, not status of originator

Adhoe approaches:

Anonymous communications

Blind votes.

Selects and promotes on merit only

Lack of financial, material commitment to products, policies

Invests in basic research; flexible, long-range planning

Experiments with new ideas rather than prejudging on “rational” grounds; everything gets a chance

More decentralized; diversified

Administrative slack; time and resources to absorb errors.

Risk-taking ethos… tolerates and expects taking chances.

Not run as “tight ship”

Employees have fun

Allows freedom to choose and pursue problems

Freedom to discuss ideas

Organizationally autonomous

Original and different objectives, not trying to be another “X”

Security of routine… allows innovation

“Philistines” provide stable, secure environment that allows “creators” to roam.

Have separate units or occasions for generating vs. evaluating ideas… separates creative from productive functions.