The Decision-Making Process
The following figure describes a typical approach to
decision making and problem solving.
Figure 2.1: Steps in decision making and
problem solving

Identifying and defining the problem.
Generating and evaluating possible solutions.
Choosing a preferred solution and conducting the "ethics
double check"
Implementing the Solution.
Evaluating the results.
2.1.1 Identify and Define the Problem
This is a stage of information gathering, information
processing, and deliberation. It often begins with
the appearance of problem symptoms, which signal the
presence of a performance deficiency or opportunity.
The way a problem is originally defined can have a major
impact on how it is eventually resolved. Three common
mistakes may occur at this step.
Mistake Number 1
is defining the problem too broadly or too narrowly.
Mistake Number 2
is Focusing on symptoms instead of causes.
Mistake Number 3
is choosing the wrong problem to deal with. Managers
should set priorities and deal with the most important ones
2.1.2 Generate and Evaluate Possible Solutions
At this stage more information is gathered, data are
analysed, and the pros and cons of possible alternatives are
The involvement of other persons is important in order to
maximize information and build commitment.
Common errors
in this stage include selecting a particular solution too
quickly, and choosing an alternative that has
damaging side effects.
Typical criteria for evaluating alternatives include:
Ethical soundness
2.1.3 Choose Solution and Conduct the "Ethics Double Check"
At this point, a "decision" is made to select a
particular course of action. Just how this is done and
by whom must be resolved in each problem situation. In
some situations, the best alternative may be selected
using a cost-benefit criterion; in others, additional
criteria may come into play.
2.1.4 Implement the Solution
After selecting the preferred solution, appropriate
action plans must be established and implemented.
Nothing new can or will happen according to plan unless
action is taken. Managers need the ability and
willingness to implement the decision.
at this stage often can trace to the lack-of-participation
error, or the failure to involve those whose support is
2.1.5 Evaluate Results
The decision making process is not complete until results
are evaluated. If the desired results are not
achieved, the process must be renewed to allow for
corrective action. This evaluation is a form of
managerial control.
In any evaluation,
both the positive and negative consequences of the chosen
course of action should be examined. Problem solving
becomes a dynamic and ongoing activity within the management