C                          Top

A certain environment: offers complete information on possible action alternatives and their consequences.
The classical decision model: describes how managers ideally make decisions using complete information.
A code of ethics: is a written document that states values and ethical standards intended to guide the behavior of employees.
A competitive advantage: is a special edge that allows an organization to deal with market and environment forces better than its competitors.
Continuous improvement involves always searching for new ways to improve operations quality and performance.
 Cost- benefit analysis involves comparing the costs and benefits of each potential course of action.
Creativity is ingenuity and imagination that result in a novel solution to a problem.
A crisis problem is an unexpected problem that can lead to disaster if not resolved quickly and appropriately.

                           D                          Top

 A decision is a choice among alternative courses of action for dealing with a problem.
 Decision making involves the identification of a problem and the choice of preferred problem – solving alternative.

G                          Top

 A group decision is a decision mode with the full participation of all group members.

H                           Top

· Heuristics are strategies for simplifying decision making.

I                           Top

An individual decision is made when a manager chooses a preferred course of action without consulting others.

N                           Top

A non programmed decision is a unique and specifically tailored to a problem at hand.

P                           Top

A problem is a difference between an actual situation and a desired situation.
A problem solving is the process of identifying a discrepancy between an actual and desired state of affairs and then taking action to resolve it.

R                           Top

A risk environment is a problem environment in which information is lacking, but some sense of the probabilities associated with action alternatives and their consequences exists.

S                           Top

Satisfying involves choosing the first satisfactory alternative that comes to your attention.

A structured problem is familiar, straight forward, and clear in its information requirements.

U                           Top

An uncertain environment is a problem environment in which information is so poor that it is difficult even to assign probabilities to the likely outcomes of know alternatives.

An unstructured problem involves ambiguities and information deficiencies.

V                           Top

Vision is a term used to describe a clear sense of the future.