
References       References        References        References       References


1.      Harry Jones: Preparing Company Plans: A Workbook for Effective Corporate Planning, New York: wiley, 1974.

2.      Richard G. Melay: Business Planning, the CPA Journal, 63, No. 8, 1998, pp. 74-75.

3.      C.W. Roney: The Two Purposes of Business Planning, Managerial Planning, December, 1976, 1-6.

4.      Gabriel Ogunmokun: Planning an Exploratory Investigation of Small Business Organizations in Australia, International Journal of Management, 15, 1, March, 1998, 60-71.

5.      Teri Lammers: The Custom – Made Day Planner, Inc, February, 1992, 61-62.

6.      Kenneth R. Allen: Creating and Executing a Business Plan, American Agent & broker, July 1994, 20-21.

7.      Bryan W. Barry: A Beginner’s Guide to Strategic Planning, The Futurist 32, 3, April 1998, 33-36.

8.      William A. Simmons: Exploratory Planning Briefs: Planning for the Future by Corporations and Agencies, Domestic and International, 1975.

9.      James M. Hardy: Corporate Planning for Nonprofit Organizations, New York: Association press, 1972.

10.  Milton Leontiades: The Dimensions of Planning in Large Industrialized Organizations, California Management Review, 22, 1980, 82-86.

11.  Donald F. Kuratko and Arnold Cirtin: Developing a Business Plan for Your Clients, National public Accountant, January 1990, 24-27.

12.  Z.A. Malik: Formal Long Range Planning and Organizational Performance, Ph.D. thesis, unpublished, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1974.

13.  Luis Mar Calingo: Achieving Excellence in Strategic Planning Systems, Advanced Management Journal, Spring, 1989, 21-23.

14.  Kamel Ali Omran: Introduction to Business, Dar El Skafa, 2001.

15.  Samuel C. Certo: Modern Management, Prentice Hall, New York, 2000.

16.  Harlod Koontz, Cyril O’Donnell, and Heinz. Weihrich: Management, Seventh edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984.

17.  William H. Brickner and Donald M. Cope: The Planning Process, Winthrop Publishers: Cambridge, Massachuselts, 1977.

18. Eavl P. Strong and Robert D. Smith: Management Controls Models, Basic Management series, New York, 1968. 



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