Course Contents

Course Contents     Course Contents     Course Contents     Course Contents


Part 1: Pollution Control and Environment


   Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Some Definition
1.2 The Complexity of The Environment
1.3 Pollution
1.4 Oil Weathering Processes
1.5 Food and Environmental Pollution

 Chapter 2: Environmental Management System (EMS) Standards and Methods

2.1 EMS: Definition and Concepts
2.2 Methods of Corporate Environmental Management

2.3 Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA)

2.4 Environmental Accounting and Reporting
2.5 Management Eco-control
2.6 The Process and Concept of Integrated Eco-control

Chapter 3:Environmental Impact Assessment 

3.1 Goal and Characteristics
3.2 Approaches to Impact Assessment



Part 2: Safety Management

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 What Is Safety All About?
1.2 What to Do If There Is an Accident?

Chapter 2: Total Safety Management
5.1 Total Safety Management Definition
5.2 Peak Performance
5.3 Continual Improvement Forever
5.4 Translating TSM into Action
5.5 Implementing TSM: the Model
5.6 Executive Commitment - A Must
5.7 Achieving Executive Commitment
5.8 Total Safety System Implementation Case Study
5.9 Evaluation of Executive Comment
5.10 Four-Steps for Gaining Executive Commitment
5.11 The Safety Management Function
5.12 Safety and Plant Size
5.13 Safety Management Propositions
5.14 Analysis of the Propositions
5.15 Definition of Terms Applicable to Safety Management




Part 3: Industrial Hygiene

Chapter 1: Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Safety
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Industrial Toxicology
1.3 Acute and Chronic Poisoning
1.4 Industrial Heath Hazards
1.5 Chemical Stresses
1.6 Physical Stresses
1.7 Ergonomic Stresses
1.8 Detection and Sampling
1.9 Environmental Control
1.10 Atmospheric Contamination
Course Contents in brief 

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